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Diversity Statement

It is PartnerSPEAK's intention for all non-offending partners and families affected by child sexual abuse material to have equal access to, and to be supported by, PartnerSPEAK as early as possible in their journey.

We know the production and sharing of child abuse material is a global issue that exists in all communities and that some people can experience additional barriers to accessing our support. Consequently, we recognise the work we need to do to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all people.

We are approaching this work through an intersectionality lens that includes, but is not limited to: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse people, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer + people, Faith Groups, and people of all abilities and mental health. We acknowledge that the terminology used here is fluid and open to change and that it cannot capture the complexities of people's lives.

We recognise that while we build our knowledge and improve our practice, sometimes we might get it wrong. We will have mechanisms to seek and response to feedback, particularly if we are ineffective towards our intentions.


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